Real Time Sound Levels


Real Time Sound Levels

This real-time display shows all of the noise monitors that have been deployed, overlaid onto a geographic map. The noise monitors are depicted as circles whose size indicates the relative loudness. The circles are also shaded different colors depending on sound levels. The data has a 10-second delay.

Hover the mouse pointer over a circle to get an exact decibel reading in real time. Click on a cirle to switch to a chart of the sound levels at that location.


Sound Level Colors
65dB+ ███████
60 - 65dB ███████
55 - 60dB ███████
50 - 55dB ███████
45 - 50dB ███████
40 - 45dB ███████
35 - 40dB ███████
25 - 35dB ███████